3. Return your form
You can return your form to: pearlharboryachtclub@gmail.com
You can also give it to us in person at Rainbow Bay Marina, or mail it to us:
Pearl Harbor Yacht Club, 57 Arizona Memorial Drive, Slip #127, Honolulu, HI 96818
Pearl Harbor Yacht Club Membership
Initiation Fee $25
One-time Initiation Fee. You get a free Team Shirt!Individual Membership $75
Primary Member has full access to events and news. For club business, a Primary Membership gets one vote (i.e. if more than one adult shares a membership, only one vote will be counted). Membership is Required in order to add a Junior (Team) Sailor.
Add Spouse $25
Add your spouse to an Individual Membership. This now becomes a Family Membership. They will have full access to events and news. For club business, a Family Membership gets one vote (i.e. if more than one adult shares a membership, only one vote will be counted). A Family Membership includes spouse and non-racing kids, but it is Required in order to add a Youth (Team) Sailor.
Youth (Team) Sailor Membership $50
Junior Memberships are for Junior (Team) Sailors between ages of 10 and 18, and dependent of person eligible for Primary Membership. (In special circumstances, Non-sailing Families may elect a Guardian Membership for $25)
Off-Island Membership $100
Absentee Membership (includes Spouse) is available for any Member who leaves the Island of Oahu, but retains eligibility for Membership. Absentee Members in Good Standing have Reciprocal benefits with cooperating yacht clubs. They have full access to events and news, but for club business are not permitted a vote.
Dues are prorated for New Members only. Does not apply to Renewals or Absentee Memberships.
DONATE! Make a donation to Pearl Harbor Yacht Club to support opportunities for Youth Sailing