Pearl Harbor Yacht Club gives Youth Sailors 10-18 an opportunity to sail competitively with other clubs and participate in sailing opportunities across the island. Youth sailors are able to take their skills to the next level. There are opportunities throughout the year for team building events, sailing clinics, and competing in regattas across Oahu and beyond! No matter what your sailing goals are, you will have a lot of fun and learn skills like confidence, independence, sense of direction, focus, endurance and working with others, just to name a few. Many Youth Sailors from Hawaii have gone on to great things: College teams, national championships, and more! You will enjoy sailing for a lifetime!
Your Membership at PHYC will allow your Youth Sailor to compete with the team at Rainbow Bay and at other Yacht Clubs on Oahu. Each Junior racer will need a Youth Membership.
Hawaii Youth Sailing Association creates and maintains the calendar for all Hawaii Youth Sailing Regattas. To race, your child will need an annual membership here, too.
Sail at Rainbow Bay Marina so that your Sailing Coach can help your child be ready for the races. Classes are held twice weekly on Tuesday and Thursdays through MWR.
There are clinics offered during the year at various yacht clubs. Be sure to participate in these to improve your sailing!
Come to Family days and special events at Rainbow Bay Marina. Parents, you can come try sailing, too!
Junior Sailors Code of Conduct
Junior sailors should demonstrate high standards of ethics and sportsmanship and promote the development of good character and other important life skills. The highest potential of sports is achieved when participants are committed to pursuing victory with honor according to six core principles: trustworthiness, respect, responsibility, fairness, caring, and good citizenship (the "Six Pillars of Character").
Trustworthiness — be worthy of trust in all I do.
Integrity — live up to high ideals of ethics and sportsmanship and always pursue victory with honor; do what’s right even when it’s unpopular or personally costly.
Honesty — live and compete honorably; don’t lie, cheat, steal or engage in any other dishonest or unsportsmanlike conduct.
Reliability — fulfill commitments; do what I say I will do; be on time to practices and competitions.
Loyalty — be loyal to my team; put the team above personal glory.
Respect — treat all people with respect all the time and require the same of other student-athletes.
Respect for equipment — treat all equipment as if it were my own.
Class — live and play with class; be a good sport; be gracious in victory and accept defeat with dignity; give fallen opponents help, compliment extraordinary performance, show sincere respect in pre- and post-event rituals.
Disrespectful Conduct — don’t engage in disrespectful conduct of any sort including profanity, obscene gestures, offensive remarks of a sexual or racial nature, trash-talking, taunting, boastful celebrations, or other actions that demean individuals (BULLYING) or the sport.
Respect Officials and Coaches — treat event officials and coaches with respect; don’t complain about or argue with official calls or decisions before, during or after an athletic event or practice.
Importance of Education — be a student first and commit to getting the best education possible. Be honest with myself about the likelihood of getting an athletic scholarship and remember that many universities will not recruit student-athletes that do not have a serious commitment to their education, the ability to succeed academically or the character to represent their institution honorably.
Role-Modeling — Remember, participation in sports is a privilege, not a right and that I am expected to represent my school, coach and teammates with honor, on and off the field.
Be Fair — live up to high standards of fair play; be open-minded; always be willing to listen and learn.
Concern for others — demonstrate concern for others; never intentionally injure any player or engage in reckless behavior that might cause injury to myself or others.
Teammates — help promote the well-being of teammates by positive counseling and encouragement or by reporting any unhealthy or dangerous conduct to coaches.
Play by the Rules — maintain a thorough knowledge of and abide by all the rules governing an event.
Spirit of rules — honor the spirit and the letter of rules; avoid temptations to gain competitive advantage through improper gamesmanship techniques that violate the highest traditions of sportsmanship. Follow the Corinthian Spirit of sailing. The Corinthian Spirit is best expressed by the statement that you sail by the rules even when no one is looking. It also means, no yelling or swearing and no bullying your fellow sailors. When the one with the loudest voice wins - then the rest of us (and our club) lose.
PHYC Youth Sailing Team
Preparing for a HYSA Regatta
In addition to your membership at PHYC, your youth sailor will also need an annual membership to Hawaii Youth Sailing Association (HYSA). You can sign up through the HYSA website at HYSA membership includes a Tech Shirt. There are various forms and waivers you will need to fill out and submit before your youth sailor can participate.
HYSA has a master calendar for the entire season and will post information about upcoming regattas. Each Regatta will have a Notice of Race (NOR). These are provided by the host yacht club and include information about the regatta, registration, fees, rules, and regulations, etc. They will be available on the HYSA website, Pearl Harbor Yacht Club Facebook group, or the host club's website. You can also email Leandra Valasco to get on the HYSA email list.
PHYC El Toro, Skiff and Laser Team PREPARATIONS
Confirm your racers for the regatta by Tuesday prior to the Saturday or a Sunday regatta. PHYC boats are owned by MWR-RBM and are used by all sailors, so there is no guarantee until the day of loading trailers that there will be maximum number of sailboats available to all youth sailors. Please be patient and aware of this process.
You will need to coordinate rental and payment ONLY through Pearl Harbor Yacht Club. (DO NOT attempt to contact MWR).
Loading & Unloading Trailers
ALL YOUTH RACERS are expected to assist in this process.
The week of the regatta the parents who volunteer to tow and load gear will collaborate with each other and set up expected meet up time to trailer sailboats to the host yacht clubs.
LOADING TRAILERS usually occurs during Thursday’s 3:30 pm sailing class prior to the regattas. ALL YOUTH Sailors competing that race are expected to assist in loading the trailers. Occasionally the team may need to load trailers on another designated day depending on schedules or need for boats to remain at RBM.
Two parents with vehicles able to tow trailers
One parent to load gear into their vehicle (includes poles, sails, rudder, tiller, etc)
An example of the regatta day may look like this:
0730 Meet at RBM to tow trailers to KYC
0800 PHYC Team meet at KYC (to assist in unloading and setting up sailboats)
0900 Registration and Check-in
1000 Skippers Meeting (around 1015-1030 kids are beginning to check their sailboats and launch off the pier, some parents have stayed on-site to assist in this process)
1100 First Race begins on water
1500 Usually the time frame kids return, de-rig sailboats, load onto trailers, then participate with the award ceremony and party food
1700 the PHYC team returns to RBM to unload trailers,
ALL YOUTH RACERS are expected to return to RBM after the HYSA regattas to assist in unloading the El Toros, Skiffs, Lasers and gear.
Pearl Harbor Yacht Club is ultimately responsible for any damage to or loss of equipment. So, PLEASE take special care of everything and keep track of all of the pieces. They are costly to replace. Thank you!!
This is especially true for those sailing the Laser and the O'pen Skiff. There are many options available online. Some are sailing specific. Other good choices include helmet styles that cover the back of the head also (such as for skateboard or water sports). While helmets may not completely prevent concussions, they do offer a great deal of protection against facial injuries, contusions and skull fractures.
In rare cases, a dangerous blood clot may form on the brain in a person with a concussion and crowd the brain against the skull. A sailor should receive immediate medical attention if after a bump, blow, or jolt to the head or body he/she exhibits any of the following danger signs:
One pupil larger than the other
Is drowsy or cannot be awakened
A headache that gets worse
Weakness, numbness, or decreased coordination
Repeated vomiting or nausea
Slurred speech
Convulsions or seizures
Cannot recognize people or places
Becomes increasingly confused, restless, or agitated
Has unusual behavior
Loses consciousness (even a brief loss of consciousness should be taken seriously)
If a sailor reports one or more symptoms of a concussion after a bump, blow, or jolt to the head or body, he/she should be kept out of athletic play the day of the injury. The sailor should only return on the water with permission from a health care professional experienced in evaluating for concussion. During recovery, rest is key. Exercising or activities that involve a lot of concentration (such as studying, working on a computer, or playing video games) may cause concussion symptoms to reappear or get worse. Sailors who return to regatta participation after a concussion may need to spend fewer hours at the event, take rest breaks, be given extra help or time, spend less time reading, writing, or on a computer. After a concussion, returning to sports is a gradual process that should be monitored by a health care professional. Remember: concussion affects people differently. While most sailors with a concussion recover quickly and fully, some will have symptoms that last for days, or even weeks. A more serious concussion can last for months or longer.
To learn more, go to
Understanding HYSA Fleet Structure
When a new sailor joins HYSA they can select the “Class” within either the El Toro, Open Skiff, or ILCA Fleets. The selected “Class” is subject to approval by the HYSA Board of Directors or by a Sailing Director. After joining HYSA a sailor can change “Class” within a fleet at any time.
El Toro:
Classes: A, B, C, C2
Seasons Points: Season points based on best 3 of 6.
Awards at Events: Event awards by class, places - 1st, 2nd, 3rd
Moving Up: Participant moves up after placing top 3 in two events.
Sail Options: Race PRO determines appropriate sails for C2 fleet at each regatta. A, B, and C fleets sails are selected by the individual competitor.
Open Skiff:
U12 (Must be under 12 majority of the calendar year)
U15 (Must be under 15 majority of the calendar year)
U17 (Must be under 17 majority of the calendar year)
Open (Must be 17 or older the majority of the calendar year)
Green Fleet Those sailing for the first time.
Fleet Determination: Age group defined by age each competitor is during the majority of the year.
Seasons Points: Season points based on best 3 of 6.
Awards at Events: Event awards by class, places 1st, 2nd, 3rd
Moving Up:
Top 3 in green fleet participants have the option to move up to U12, U15, U17, Open after placing top 3 in Green fleet in any event. Participant can stay in Green fleet for up to one year.
Top 3 in Green Fleet is based on competition between participants who have not already qualified to move up from green fleet.
ILCA 7 (A and B)
ILCA 6 (A and B)
ILCA 4 (A and B)
Seasons Points: Season points based on best 3 of 6 per class.
Awards at Events: Event awards by class, places 1st, 2nd, 3rd overall in ILCA 7, ILCA 6, and ILCA Recognition will be given for top 3 in B fleet.
Moving Up: Participant moves up from B to A after placing 1st in three events.
Seasons Points for each participant is determined by the class in which the participant starts the year. For example, if a participant starts the year in El Toro C fleet the participant will be scored for seasons points as a C fleet participant. The participant can move up during the year and will be scored by the fleet they are racing in per regatta. But seasons points will be based on scores for the fleet in which they start the year.
(Revised 2023)
Hawaii Associations and Yacht Clubs
US SAILING - The National Governing Body for the sport of sailing, US Sailing’s mission is to provide leadership for the sport of sailing in the United States.
HYRA - Hawaii Yacht Racing Association- HYRA's mission is to support offshore yacht racing and class racing. HYRA holds the master calendar for most club related sailing events.
HYSA - Hawaii Youth Sailing Association - HYSA was founded to encourage, support, and promote the growth of junior sailing and racing in Hawaii. The primary purpose of HYSA is to improve communication and connect junior sailors with sailing programs and available resources. HYSA maintains and distributes the master calendar for junior sailing clinics, races, and special events.
HLA- Hawaii Laser Association - A series of Laser races each year hosted at various locations. Contact Guy Fleming.
HSF- Hawaii Sailing Foundation - HSF is the organization responsible for managing and distributing funds raised for sailing in Hawaii and for providing sponsorship to youth sailors for off-island national and international competitions. Its major source of income is the annual Sea Fest fund-raiser conducted each year.
WAHINE - The Wahine Sailing Series provides a great a variety of friendly and competitive sailing opportunities for Wahine who are a part of HYRA affiliated yacht clubs.
HKBC Hawaii Kai Boat Club, Hawaii Kai
HYC Hawaii Yacht Club, Honolulu
KYC Kaneohe Yacht Club, Kaneohe
MKYC Makani Kai Yacht Club, Kaneohe
PHYC Pearl Harbor Yacht Club, Aiea
PYC Pacific Yacht Club, Hickam AFB
RBM Rainbow Bay Marina, Pearl Harbor
WYC Waikiki Yacht Club, Honolulu
Youth Sailing - HYSA 2023 Schedule

HLA #1-8 regattas Best 5 of 8 score:
Hawaii Laser Association holds up to 9 regattas hosted at various yacht clubs on Oahu. HLA races include both youth and adult laser sailors. There are two divisions, Laser A and Laser B.
All sailors start out in the Laser B division. After three, first-place wins, the sailor moves to Laser A Division
HYSA-Laser A or B youth sailor would also compete in the same respective categories for HLA
Varsity I are the most advanced sailors who compete double-handed in 420's for the Charlie Dole Bowl
Varsity II compete double-handed in 420's for the Tom Holden Bowl
Varsity III (formerly Junior Varsity) competes double-handed in Toppers for the Charlie Dole Bowl
Coaches from each school, with the help of the WYC and HYC sailing directors, determine what level their student-athletes will compete in based on skill and roster limitations.
The ILH Champion will be determined using the following formula:
Each school will count the total score for all races in the regular season ILH Regattas.
The team score will be multiplied by 30%.
Each school will have their scores in the two ILH Championship Regattas multiplied by 70%.
The scores from the ILH regular season and the ILH Championship Regattas will be added to determine the overall ILH Champion.